- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation - Jon Erickson
- Web Application Hackers Handbook 2 - Stuttard and Pinto
- A Bug Hunters Diary - Tobias Klein
- Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery - Stutton, Greene, and Amini
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering - Eldad Eilam
- Gray Hat Python - Justin Seitz
- The Art of Software Security and Assessment - Dowd, McDonald and Schuh
- Practical Malware Analysis - Sikorski and Honig
- The Art of Assembly Language - Randal Hyde
- Shellcoders Handbook - A bunch of Authors
- Rootkits - Hoglund and Butler
- The Rootkit Arsenal - Reverend Bill Blunden
- A Guide to Kernel Exploitation - Perla and Oldani
Ill add more later and as new books come out.
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